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Human Body Facts
Human Body Facts
One of the most common cosmetic injuries is poking the eyeball with a
Human Body Facts
Our eyes close automatically to protect us from perceived dangers
Human Body Facts
Our eyes have small blind spots where the optic nerve passes through the
Human Body Facts
Everyone has one eye that is slightly stronger than the other
Human Body Facts
The human eye can see 500 shades of grey
Human Body Facts
The cornea is the transparent covering of the iris and pupil
Human Body Facts
In an average life, your eyes will see 24 million different images
Human Body Facts
The human eye only sees three colours: red, blue and green. All other
Human Body Facts
Only one sixth of the human eyeball is exposed
Human Body Facts
Eyes are able to process 36,000 pieces of information in a single hour
Human Body Facts
Some people have a fear of eyes; it’s called ommatophobia
Human Body Facts
The muscles in the eye are 100 times stronger than they need to be to
Human Body Facts
The eye muscles are the most active muscles in the human body
Human Body Facts
Eye transplants are currently impossible due to the sensitivity of the
Human Body Facts
Our eyes are made up of over 2 million working parts