The Ultimate List Of 100 Weird Phobias

Human psychic and what we can be frightened of is truly amazing. For example papaphobia is fear of the Pope, nomophobia is when you have fear of being without your phone.

You can even have a phobia of having a phobia! Read on for a comprehensive list of phobias people have reported…

1. Kinetophobia is the fear of movement.

2. Hygrophobia is the fear of liquids, dampness.

3. Soceraphobia is the fear of parents-in-law.

4. Ranidaphobia is the fear of frogs.

5. Psellismophobia is the fear of stuttering.

The fear of writing is known as graphophobia

6. Pneumatiphobia is the fear of spirits.

7. Placophobia is the fear of tombstones.

8. Plutophobia is the fear of wealth.

9. Phronemophobia is the fear of thinking.

10. Photoaugliaphobia is the fear of glaring lights.

11. Philophobia is the fear of falling in love.

12. Philemaphobia is the fear of kissing.

13. Phalacrophobia is the fear of becoming bald.

14. Pentheraphobia is the fear of mother-in-law.

15. Peniaphobia is the fear of poverty.

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16. Pediophobia is the fear of dolls.

17. Peladophobia is the fear of bald people.

18. Pantophobia is the fear of fears.

19. Panophobia is the fear of everything.

20. Orthophobia is the fear of property.

21. Ostraconophobia is the fear of shellfish.

22. Ombrophobia is the fear of rain.

Parthenophobia is the fear of virgins

23. Oneirogmophobia is the fear of wet dreams.

24. Olfactophobia is the fear of smells.

25. Octophobia is the fear of the figure 8.

26. Numerophobia is the fear of numbers.

27. Novercaphobia is the fear of step mother.

28. Nostophobia is the fear of returning home.

29. Nomatophobia is the fear of names.

30. Neophobia is the fear of anything new.

31. Nephophobia is the fear of clouds.

32. Nebulaphobia is the fear of fog.

33. Myrmecophobia is the fear of ants.

34. Mycophobia is the fear of mushrooms.

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35. Mycrophobia is the fear of small things.

36. Mottephobia is the fear of moths.

37. Musophobia is the fear of mice.

38. Motorphobia is the fear of automobiles.

39. Mnemophobia is the fear of memories.

40. Microbiophobia is the fear of microbes.

Pediophobia is the fear of dolls

41. Microphobia is the fear of small things.

42. Metrophobia is the fear of poetry.

43. Metathesiophobia is the fear of changes.

44. Meteorophobia is the fear of meteors.

45. Metallophobia is the fear of metal.

46. Melophobia is the fear of music.

47. Melanophobia is the fear of the color black.

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48. Melissophobia is the fear of bees.

49. Mechanophobia is the fear of machines.

50. Megalophobia is the fear of large things.

51. Maniaphobia is the fear of insanity.

52. Mageirocophobia is the fear of cooking.

53. Lyssophobia is the fear of rabies or becoming mad.

54. Macrophobia is the fear of long waits.

55. Lutraphobia is the fear of otters.

Nebulaphobia is the fear of fog

56. Logophobia is the fear of words.

57. Logizomechanophobia is the fear of computers.

58. Linonophobia is the fear of string.

59. Liticaphobia is the fear of lawsuits.

60. Limnophobia is the fear of lakes.

61. Leprophobia is the fear of leprosy.

62. Leukophobia is the fear of the color white.

63. Lachanophobia is the fear of vegetables.

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64. Laliophobia is the fear of speaking.

65. Kyphophobia is the fear of stooping.

66. Kosmikophobia is the fear of cosmic phenomenon.

67. Koniophobia is the fear of dust.

68. Koinoniphobia is the fear of rooms.

69. Kathisophobia is the fear of sitting down.

70. Ideophobia is the fear of ideas.

71. Ichthyophobia is the fear of fish.

72. Hypnophobia is the fear of sleep.

Mechanophobia is the fear of machines

73. Hylephobia is the fear of materialism.

74. Homophobia is the fear of sameness.

75. Homilophobia is the fear of sermons.

76. Ommetaphobia is the fear of eyes.

77. Otophobia is a fear of opening one's eyes.

78. The fear of materialism is known as hylephobia.

79. The fear of worms is known as helminthophobia.

80. The fear of being robbed is known as harpaxophobia.

81. The fear of women is known as gynophobia.

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82. The fear of writing is known as graphophobia.

83. The fear of work is known as ergophobia.

84. The fear of knowledge is known as epistemophobia.

85. The fear of houses or being in a house is known as domatophobia.

86. The fear of making decisions is known as decidophobia.

87. The fear of cemeteries is known as coimetrophobia.

88. The fear of amphibians is known as batrachophobia.

89. The fear of missles or bullets is known as ballistophobia.

90. The fear of northern lights is known as auroraphobia.

91. The fear of imperfection is known as atelophobia.

92. The fear of asymmetrical things is known as asymmetriphobia.

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93. The fear of wind is known as ancraophobia.

94. The fear of walking is known as ambulophobia.

95. The fear of vehicles is known as amaxophobia.

96. The fear of chickens is known as alektorophobia.

Hylephobia is the fear of materialism

97. Phengophobia is the fear of daylight.

98. Pagophobia is the fear of ice.

99. Parthenophobia is the fear of virgins.

100. Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.

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