1. Parthenophobia is the fear of virgins.
2. Osmophobia is the fear of smells.
3. Spacephobia is the fear of outer space.
4. Sesquipedalophobia is the fear of long words.
6. Politicophobia is the fear of politicians.
7. Polyphobia is the fear of many things.
8. Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.
9. Pluviophobia is the fear of rain.
11. Phthiriophobia is the fear of lice.
12. Phobophobia is the fear of one's own fears.
13. Philophobia is the fear of falling in love.
14. Peladophobia is the fear of bald people.
16. Paralipophobia is the fear of neglecting duty.
17. Oneirogmophobia is the fear of wet dreams.
18. Odontophobia is the fear of teeth dental surgery.
19. Novercaphobia is the fear of step mother.
21. Neophobia is the fear of anything new.
22. Nephophobia is the fear of clouds.
23. Melophobia is the fear of music.
24. Meningitophobia is the fear of brain disease.
26. Hormephobia is the fear of shock.
27. The fear of ideas is known as ideophobia.
28. The fear of chins is known as geniophobia.
29. The fear of dawn or daylight is known as eosophobia.
31. The fear of going to school is known as didaskaleinophobia.
32. The fear of demons is known as demonophobia.
33. The fear of dining or dinner conversations is known as deipnophobia.
34. The fear of computers or working on a computer is known as cyberphobia.
36. The fear of crystals or glass is known as crystallophobia.
37. The fear of colors is known as chromophobia.
38. The fear of jumping from high and low places is known as catapedaphobia.
39. The fear of body smells is known as bromidrosiphobia.
41. The fear of gravity is known as barophobia.
42. The fear of one that has a vile odor is known as autodysomophobia.
43. The fear of flutes is known as aulophobia.
44. The fear of asymmetrical things is known as asymmetriphobia.
46. The fear of air drafts or wind is known as anemophobia.
47. The fear of dust is known as amathophobia.
48. The fear of drafts is known as aerophobia.
49. The fear of washing or bathing is known as ablutophobia.